These are acts of blasphemy and the whole civilized world knows it. There is no need for PR or rhetoric. There is no negotiating with such evil.
Would this have happened if we had not invaded Iraq? Of course, it would. It has been going on for years. We could hope that Muslims see these men for what they are and how they defile their religion, and I believe they do see. We could hope that peaceful Muslims would take action, but they may not have the capacity to overcome such savagery in their midst. Can we afford to wait? There does seem a disconnect in rational for fighting. The Arab thinks we want to colonize Iraqi oil. We think we are fighting just al Queda.
You can say what you want about our choice of invading Iraq, however. I would not have done it, not just because we lacked a consensus, but because of the predictable snake pit of hate it generated in the ME. We have, however, taken the conflict to the terrorists, on grounds of our choosing. We have flushed them out of their hole, where the world can see them, and see them for what they are --- where we can see them too and destroy them where they stand. Furthermore the tribes and the clerics have been forced to choose sides. They are a long way from knowing what they have chosen, inshallah! We may have saved them a civil war. The clerics may stage one yet. Democracy? I don’t think so, but who knows.
Other regions where weapons remain a concern are not governed by irrational savages such as these men. That difference should be evident. It would seem that in these other regions, multi lateral negotiation remains the rational choice, where more powerful local influence could prevail.
A very expensive and lethal course of action seems hard to justify when the end result of such action is that nothing happens. Everyone seems afraid to say it but nothing has happened here since 9/11. I am afraid to say it too, but saying the opposite seems foolish as well.
The debate? Call it a tie. There is enough nonsense on both sides to vote against either. None of the above? How about a write-in? On the other hand if they keep arguing they may be forced to make sense.
By the way Kerry’s health care plan did not sound so bad, affordable too, but like always they left out the operational part. He proposes that the government take responsibility for the catastrophic illnesses. Just who will deliver the service? I would respond, the medical schools of course. That is the only way to avoid the usual governmental medicine morass. Fund it by legislators, but keep it out of the hands of the bureaucrats and the insurance companies.
The President’s hydrogen initiative and his small business stance did not sound bad either. The tax cut could not have contributed significantly to the debt because the Federal Tax Deposit is running about 50 billion ahead of last year at 1.7 trillion year to date and should top 2 trillion by year-end. (N.B. 9/30/04 is the last correct entry. The October accounting is erroneous.) --- I guess we can quit worrying about the draft.
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