The lesser of two evils is still evil?
"D. __None of the above." is vindicated either way. Link
The middle or centrest views are ignored by both sides. The wide open center beckons. Here in Alaska, one might say that the liberals and the conservatives meet on the back side of most issues. That is another way of saying the mainstream common sense populations of Democrats and Republicans (or are they neither?) have more in common with each other than with the extreem party positions.
Additional planks for the JJK platform:
1) Flying lessons and IFR copilot for all presidential candidates (or a qualified cloud-pilot)
2) Regard Information constitutionly the same as free speech thus invalidating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and restoring NAPSTER. (Recognise the productivity of the Digital Generation) All information in the Library of Congress freely available to the Internet, same for all academic libraries. Role back all copyright to the original terms set by the constitution, thus freeing our culture and our art from the monopolies, MPIA and MIAA.
3) Require free Internet access through all phone-lines, cable, wireless and fiber, paying only for the capital expense connection and routers, with the caveat that all such cap. exp. be freely added to rental, mortgage payments or small business loans.
4) Teach music and foreign languages from the earliest grades for all.
5) Place the entire responsibility for free medical care completely in the hands of the medical schools, semi independently run by each state or school. (competitive spirit for excellence)
6) Tighten anti trust laws directed in the public interest not the interest of "loosing competitors."
7) Tax severely multi nationals and any that would shift expenses or tax overseas. (no cheating)
8) Promote Hydrogen fuel now! as a crash program. Bring about Nano-technology to disrupt the trade deficit in textiles. Exotic metallurgy and tungsten to the same end for steel. Robotics to the same end for labor. Fusion to the same end for energy.
8') An energy policy to immediately subsidize and promote natural gas and pellet reactors as a transition to a hydrogen and fusion economy.
8'') End completely our importation of foreign oil. No tankers in our waters! Drill North Slope but outlaw the tankers. (that is where the threat to the environment lies) End our subsidy of terrorism.
8''') Develop means to sequester CO2.
9) Full social security for single moms and oldest two children of legitiment birth and US citizenship. (one place where equality does not work)
10) Declare the means of birth control including abortion a cultural issue and outside the prevue of religion or government. Concept, a child has an inalliable right not to be born with out a legitimate mother and father who want, love and will make the commitment to care for him or her. The potential mother is the only one who can voice that election. Neither the state, nor organized religion can do any of the above.
11) End all political contributions as criminal bribery.
12) Impose the same term limits on all legislators as is written for the president. Impose the line item veto!
13) Better do something to cooperatively prevent further proliferation of nuclear weapons and or their use.
That's enough. How about a VP candidate who is centrist thus ending the intense partisan bickering. I would write in Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice, but they are still alive.
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