Decryption of Blu-ray and HD-DVD
Laws passed for the benefit of the governing few at the expense of the governed are not morally sustainable. The economy will not prosper, in full, until information flows freely for the benefit of all and the productivity of all. Is it not time for another Boston Tea Party.
Was this not part of the November election results? The problem, however, does not go away with the change in leadership. They all depend on the same lobbyists for their campaign contributions. The only vote we really have is money and King George has it all.
“Decryption software for AACS, the scheme used to encrypt content on both next-gen DVD systems (HD-DVD and Blu-ray), was released recently by an anonymous programmer called Muslix. His software, called BackupHDDVD, is now available online. As shipped, it can decrypt HD-DVDs (according to its author), but it could easily be adapted to decrypt Blu-ray discs.” Monty Solomon
Artists are certainly entitled to reward for their work but not forever or unto succeeding generations. The engineered scarcity of the attributes of our culture merely renders us cultureless. In a more concert way, the same engineered scarcity, as a multi industry Industrial Age collusion to tollgate information, has a most profound negative effect on economic growth and small innovative business.
Once more brave comrades, to the docks!
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