BLP vs. Photons
On the course of true broadband deployment, SBC Communications just announced that they would light up more fiber optic cable using technologies from JDS Uniphase and Avanex. (E-M in the light frequency range=photons of light) These two, bubble time companies have floundered in the depression as incumbent phone companies refused to keep pace with the digital economy. Theirs are the quantum technologies that carry bandwidth for information beyond the gigabyte range.
While I was recently in the South Pacific, I interviewed a man who spoke at a regional communications seminar. Hendricks I recall, I have no Idea of his credentials but judging a man by his laptop, he was upper management. In our discussion of broadband deployment and the interface of electronics with photonics, he said, “you can’t do anything with a photon. It is either there or it is not.” Now I am not a space age physicist, but a photon can be oriented 360° (polarized) and formed in an almost limitless number of wavelengths (colors). The point is that herein lays the greatest obstruction to Moor’s Law in evolving bandwidth --- the comprehension of management and analog minded engineers. All of the digital, spread spectrum and multiplexing options of radio and microwave are available in fiber! It warms the sole to see two of the photon folks, as mentioned above, get the nod.
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